StratifiedMedicine 1.0.5 (2022-03-29)
- Enhanced summary() function for both PRISM and submod_train
- Added plot_tree for submod_train function.
- Added resampling functionality to submod_train function
- Minor bug fixes throughout (ex: T-learner with non-null Xtest dataset)
StratifiedMedicine 1.0.4 (2021-09-02)
- Fixed bugs for plot() for type="resample" and tree.plots="density", such that density plots match up with right tree nodes.
- Added pool="trteff","trteff_boot" (pools subgroups based on naive or bootstrap resampling based treatment effect estimates)
- Added submod="ctree_cate", CATE~ctree(X), and submod="rpart_cate", CATE~rpart(X).
StratifiedMedicine 1.0.3 (2021-01-07)
- Fixed bugs for plot() (when family="survival"), such that Kaplan-meier plots match up with right tree nodes
- Updated documentation and plot labels
StratifiedMedicine 1.0.2 (2020-08-03)
- Fixed bugs relating to binary outcome data (family="binomial")
- Fixed bugs relating to resampling estimates with OTR pooling for non-default delta vlues.
(ex: PRISM(Y, A, X, resample="Bootstrap", pool="otr:logistic", delta=">0.10"))
StratifiedMedicine 1.0.1 (2020-06-17)
- Fixed mapping issue for boxplots for function plot(,type="tree", tree.plots="outcome")
- Added propensity-based estimation for functions ple_train and PRISM
StratifiedMedicine 1.0.0 (2020-06-10)
- Added a
file to track changes to the package.
- Version 1.0.0: Added new features and improved functionality. See vignette for more details.
Changes included improved plotting features, treatment difference estimates through base-learners and meta-learners, partial dependence plots, variable importance plots, and enhanced functionality on individual functions.